Connect within & alchemise your power

“Connecting with our breath, mind, body and soul is a radical act.
Remember and reclaim your power”

— Inspired by Adrienne Maree Brown




Unearthing is a way to tend to our inner forest personally and collectively. Our ancestral bonds, intergenerational patterns and cultural paradigm is all interconnected, and is imprinted in our energetic bodies. Unearthing our beliefs, habits and patterns to uncover what propels us and holds us back. Let’s ground in a new reality!

We are nature. What earthly debris needs to come to light in order to live in resonance with yourself, your soul?


It is time to come home to our body. Through unlearning, reclaiming and remembering we anchor into who we truly are. And surrender to the unfolding of a deeper connection and alignment to feel our aliveness, wholeness and expansion! Let’s embody another way of being!

Our bodies hold all the wisdom. What is alive right now that requires a pause, an exploration, a deepening? 


Integrating our exiled parts with compassion is required to break cycles of trauma, reactivity and disconnection. Releasing dense energy and shift our consciousness. Deep inner transformational shifts make space for love, connection and infinite possibility. Let’s birth the new earth!

We are our own medicine. Would you like to feel liberated and alchemise your power?


Remember your power through breath

Our breath is a gateway to our body wisdom. Through your breath you illuminate your soul’s desires, release emotions, turn wounds into gifts, balance your nervous system and raise your vibration.


Embodied Coaching

Connect to your power within

It is time to turn to an embodied way of being. To consciously connect to our body, mind and soul. Embodied coaching is a way to come home to your innate body wisdom, intuition and inner power.

Love notes


“I had the pleasure to participate in the ‘Breathing Awareness Sessions’ with Sujeewa. She breathed with me, guided me, explained to me and helped me to open a door to connect and listen to my body. A door that was always there, but I could not see only by myself.”

— Carolina, South Africa

“Sujeewa has the ability to stay grounded whilst working with me as a coach and space holder on many different levels. She is as loyal to herself as she is loyal to your process which makes it very natural and honest. She helped me unfold my own process in a very supporting and neutral way.”

— Suzanne, Netherlands

Are you ready to go within?

Come on in and connect!


Join the Embodied Breath Collective